
Advantages & Disadvantages of Grass Substitutes – Walkable Ground Covers


Many people struggle with lawn maintenance. In addition, grass is dull and contributes little to biodiversity. That is why you can also choose to replace your lawn with suitable walkable garden plants, the grass substitutes. In this blog you can read all the advantages and disadvantages of replacing your lawn or patio tiles with walkable ground covers.

Benefits of walkable ground covers
1. Flowering ground covers are good for bees and butterflies.
Yarinde’s walkable ground covers are low-growing garden plants that bloom in a variety of bloom colours. The Sagina, for example, blooms nice little flowers in June, July & August. The pollen and nactar of these flowers are food for various bees and butterfly species. In recent years, bee and butterfly populations have declined dramatically. This is largely because gardens became less and less green and more and more paved. By replacing your lawn or garden paving with walkable flowering ground covers, you create more greenery and foraging opportunities for these insect species.

Sagina Subulata

2. Running green is easy to maintain compared to grass (maintenance-friendly)
Maintaining the lawn is a chore. With an incorrect ratio of nutrients and minerals, the grass turns yellow or brown in color. In addition, the lawn should be scarified in the spring and autumn. Scarifying requires expensive tools or has to be done manually (labour-intensive).

Ground covers are therefore maintenance-friendly. They only ask for some nutrients. Yarinde supplies garden plant food of the highest quality for this purpose. Pruning is not necessary. At most, tuck a small piece away at the edges. With green grass as a lawn replacement, you make the garden more maintenance-friendly.

If you do not want weeds in your lawn, you usually have to pull them out by hand. With ground covers, less weeds grow between them, because evergreen ground covers cover the ground more due to their clump-shaped growth.

3. There is a walkable ground cover for every taste and garden style
The top 3 walkable ground covers come in different varieties. Each with its own bloom color and leaf structure. You can choose a lilac flowering Thymus or white flowering Sagina. The Thymus has a somewhat coarser leaf structure (wilder effect) while the Sagina has a finer leaf structure (quieter and tighter effect).

Disadvantages of walkable ground covers
Of course, every advantage also has its disadvantage, as is the case with walkable ground covers. We list the disadvantages of walking green below.

1. Loop green is strong, but not indestructible
Depending on the type of ground cover, these are resistant to walking on to a certain extent. The Thymus and sedum plants, for example, are slightly less resistant than the Sagina species. In places where children or pets play, walking green is not recommended, because there is a chance that plants can be damaged. However, this is of course also the case for the lawn. With proper care, your greenery will grow back on its own.

Planting moss and sedum as a walking green can spot your footprints when you walk over them in winter. That makes these species less suitable. This will be less of a problem in the summer, because the plants will get enough sunlight to recover quickly.